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米国企業のアニュアルレポート(Annual Report)を分析するのに必要な勘定科目(account)などの財務に関する用語の英語表現です。
米国会計基準 U.S. GAAP
日本会計基準 Japan GAAP
会計期間(会計年度) fiscal year(FY)
20XX年第1四半期 20XX First Quarter
財務諸表 Financial Statements
連結財務諸表 Consolidated Financial Statements
損益計算書 Statement of income(Profit and loss statement)
連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income
売上高 Net Sales
売上原価 Cost of Sales
売上総利益 Gross profit
販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses
- 給料 Salaries
- 広告宣伝費 Advertising expense
- 減価償却費 Depreciation
- 貸倒引当金繰入額 Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts
- 法定福利費 Legal welfare expenses
営業利益 Operating profit
営業外収益 Non-operating Income
- 受取利息配当金 Interest and dividend income
- 有価証券利息 Interest on securities
- 有価証券売却益 Gain on sales of securities
- 有価証券評価益 Gain on valuation of securities(Unrealized gains on equity securities)
- 為替差益 Foreign exchange gain
- その他の営業外収益 Other income
営業外費用 Non-operating Expenses
- 支払利息 Interest expense
- 有価証券売却損 Loss on sales of securities
- 有価証券評価損 Loss on valuation of securities(Unrealized losses on equity securities)
- 為替差損 Foreign exchange loss
- その他の営業外費用 Other loss
経常利益 Ordinary income
特別利益 Extraordinary income
- 前期損益修正益 Gain on prior period adjustment
- 固定資産売却益 Gain on sales of noncurrent assets
- 貸倒引当金戻入益 Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts
特別損失 Extraordinary loss
- 前期損益修正損 Loss on prior period adjustment
- 固定資産売却損 Loss on sales of noncurrent assets
- 災害損失 Loss on disaster
税引前当期純利益 Income before income taxes
法人税、住民税及び事業税 Corporate, inhabitant and enterprise taxes
- 法人税等調整額 Income taxes-deferred
当期純利益 Net income
貸借対照表 Balance Sheet
連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets
流動資産 Current assets
- 現金及び預金(現金及び現金同等物) Cash and cash equivalents
- 受取手形及び売掛金 Trade accounts and notes receivable
- 貸倒引当金 allowance for doubtful accounts
- 有価証券 Marketable securities
- 棚卸資産 Inventories
- 短期貸付金 Finance receivables
固定資産 Fixed assets
有形固定資産 Property, plant and equipment
- 土地 Land
- 建物 Buildings
- 機械装置 Machinery and equipment
- 減価償却累計額 Accumulated depreciation
- 建設仮勘定 Construction in progress
投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets
- 長期貸付金 Noncurrent finance receivables
流動負債 Current liabilities
- 支払手形 Notes payable
- 買掛金 Accounts payable
- 未払費用 Accrued expenses
- 未払法人税等 Income taxes payable
- 短期借入債務(短期借入金) Short-term borrowings
固定負債 Long-term liabilities
- 社債 Bonds payable
- 長期借入債務(長期借入金)Long-term debt
- 繰延税金負債 Deferred income taxes
株主資本(純資産) Shareholders’ equity
- 資本金 Capital stock
- 資本剰余金 Additional paid-in capital
- 利益剰余金 Retained earnings
- 自己株式 Treasury stock